Church Council

In the United Methodist Church, our church council is the primary governing body of the congregation. Our leaders provide for the governance, administration, and visioning for the church. 

North Decatur uses an alternate church council structure that you can read more about here

The church council generally meets on the last Tuesday of each month at 7:30, and visitors are welcome - contact the church office or join us on Zoom if you'd like to attend an upcoming meeting. You can get in touch with any member of the church council at any time with questions or ideas.

2024 Church Council


Matt Woodruff

Matt Woodruff is currently serving as the Chair of the NDUMC Church Council. He has been a member of the church since 2019, and is excited to help bring the work of the council into the larger Church community. That includes you! You can reach him via email at, or flag him down at church on Sunday. He can normally be found in the back with his wife, Emily, while they try to wrangle their three kids.


Carolyn Williams

Carolyn Williams serves the council as nurturing chair. This is her third term on the council. In that capacity, she serves as a voice for the various ongoing ministries of the church, such as children’s, youth, music, outreach, and small groups. Carolyn holds a religious studies and political science degree, and finds that both tend to serve her extremely well as she serves and grows with her church community.


Ashley Jensen

Ashley Jensen has been attending NDUMC since 2018 and currently sits as hospitality & welcome chair on our church council. As part of cultivating a rich community here at North Decatur, Ashley is part of a group who consistently makes art a priority, with ease, for all in our congregation. Weekly handmade inserts in our bulletins and projects scattered about the walls, floors and sometimes even the ceilings of our campus bring light and love to those whom we’re around; Ashley is certainly a part of this. Ashley has two children, Clara and Lucas who enjoy the Youth here at NDUMC and all three Jensen’s attend most small groups/zooms/services & studies to ensure a welcoming hand is always nearby.

Staff-Parish Relations

Mary Bryan

Mary Bryan has been attending North Decatur UMC since 2016, and is currently serving as the Staff-Parish Relations Chair on Church Council. She is originally from Marion, IN, and is so grateful for the role this church played in making the Atlanta area her new home. Mary is an attorney and lives with her husband and son in the Decatur area. 

Annual conference delegate

Daniel Copeland

(Awaiting Bio)


Bobb Stubbs

(Awaiting Bio)


Charles Chambers

(Awaiting Bio)


HP Wellborn

(Awaiting Bio)

Fund development

Sherrie Rawson

(Awaiting Bio)

Lay leader

Charles Pursley

(Awaiting Bio)


[Vacant Seat]