North Decatur UMC is a church that takes seriously Jesus's call to welcome the stranger and care for each other. We need your help in this time of growth, so please consider volunteering. This page is here to direct you to areas within the church which need volunteer assistance!


Our Sound and Slides volunteers keep our in-person worship running smoothly and sounding clear. These positions involve running powerpoint or our sound board on Sunday mornings. Training is easy and available to those unfamiliar with working sound or slide! Contact Stephen Walker with any questions, and sign up here.


Hospitality Volunteers serve as friendly faces to welcome folks into our parking lot and through our doors on Sunday mornings. Some volunteers check people in, others help them find a seat and a bulletin, and others work our welcome table and assist with nametags! Contact Ashley Jensen to sign up!


Will you help our community at NDUMC be stewards of this sacred earth? Our Green Team is growing and we are asking for your boots on the ground. We'd love to hear what's on your heart. Check out our Green Team Page for more info


Do you like serving God AND coffee? If that’s you, contact Dan Polito to join our Coffee Team for Sunday mornings!

children's Sunday school

As part of our Faithful Families Sunday School groups, our Children's Sunday School meets during the 11am Sunday School hour directly following our 10am service. Ideally, two volunteers are needed for each Sunday to hang out with the kids! If you feel like this would be a good fit for you, contact Jon Smith to sign up!

NDUMC Youth volunteers

The NDUMC Youth Group is searching for volunteers to help out at Sunday Night gatherings from 5-7pm at the church. If you'd be interested in helping, contact Dan Polito for more info!


NDUMC is in need of some more volunteers to count the money we receive from offerings! Contact Rachel Fullerton for more info!

NDUMC Care Team

Learn more about our Care Team here


The American Red Cross is facing a national blood crisis – its worst blood shortage in over a decade! NDUMC is thrilled to be hosting regular blood drives on the second Monday each month, from 3:00 to 7:00 PM. 

We need your help! Volunteers are needed to help set up, to welcome donors, to make sure the snacks and drinks are ready (so important!), and more. Contact Charles Chamber at 404-484-3023 or chamberscharlesatl@gmail.com to volunteer. 

To schedule an appointment to donate, please visit redcrossblood.org and use the sponsor code “NorthDecaturUMC”.