When we say "all are welcome here," we actually mean it. Young, old, rich, poor, gay, straight, cis, trans, black, white - YOU are welcomed by the God who welcomes us all. Worship happens at 10:00 am every Sunday, in the sanctuary and livestreamed online on both Facebook and Youtube.

What is your church like?

Lots of different kinds of people fill the pews at North Decatur UMC on Sunday mornings, so it is a little hard to say what the church is like, exactly. On any given Sunday, you will worship with native Atlantans, Katrina transplants, high-powered lawyers, trans persons, retired teachers, fifth graders, spiritual refugees, actual refugees, young families, older widows and widowers, dyed-in-the-wool Methodists and even a Presbyterian or two. 

We're sort of an eclectic bunch. Some of us have been members for sixty years, some are brand new to the United States, let alone the church. You'll have to come see for yourself, but fair warning: you are likely to feel at home here.

What is worship like?

Worship is at the heart of everything that happens at North Decatur UMC. You are invited to participate in the weekly worship services in the sanctuary and online at 10:00 am.

Worship at North Decatur UMC follows a fairly traditional pattern in both virtual and in-person services. We hear and sing hymns, we pray for our community and the world, we read scripture together, and on a good day, we hear a pretty good sermon. Our Director of Worship and Arts is incredible; she brings creative leadership to worship, so we shake things up every now and again, and we frequently have special elements (special music, dance, art) to help us worship God.

Each week we celebrate Communion, and we have options available which are free of all major allergens and which have not been touched by human hands. 

At North Decatur UMC, you're likely to experience worship in a way that feels traditional in some ways, innovative in others ways, but never, you know, dead. After all, we worship a living God!

(Oh, and in case you were wondering, we never do that weird thing that some churches do where they make new people stand and introduce themselves in front of God and everybody. It's hard enough going somewhere new without having to worry about whether you're going to have to do something so terrifying. So know we're just grateful you're here.)

What should I wear to worship?

Anything. Something, please, but anything is great! We're pretty casual these days. Some of us wear flip flops and some of us wear suits. So far, nobody has worn flip flops with a suit, so if that's your thing, there's an opening. You can also feel free to wear a baby! 

And when it comes to wearing masks, we do not require it, but many of us still wear one. (We have extras if you'd like one!)

Are there kids and teenagers?

Yes! Children and youth are welcome to attend worship with their families. 

We also provide a children's worship experience which begins with the Children's Moment during service! The kids will rejoin you during Communion.

There are also Sunday School opportunities for both Children and Youth as part of our Faithful Families Sunday School groups after the 10am service.

And oh! If you are looking for a preschool, check out SAND - the School At North Decatur!

Do you have to be a christian to come to church at north decatur umc?

No. Several among us are exploring faith for the first time, and we don't check your credentials at the door! We hope NDUMC is a safe place for you to explore matters of faith and life. Of course, you might experience such authentic love here that you start getting interested in Jesus... so, you know, fair warning.

Do you have to be a united methodist to come to church at north decatur umc?

No. A big part of our theology is the idea that all people are children of God, and so all people are invited to take Communion and participate in the life of the church. That includes all denominations, creeds, and questions. We even have a former Baptist or two here! But, again, a fair warning that we think the United Methodists have pretty great theology, not to mention the best potlucks: you might find yourself interested in learning more about what it means to be United Methodist. You can start right here.

Where are you located?

North Decatur UMC is located at the intersection of North Decatur Road and Church Street in Decatur, Georgia, across the street from Whole Foods and next to Emory Decatur Hospital (formerly DeKalb Medical). There are parking entrances off of North Decatur Road and Church Street. 

Our address is 1523 Church Street, Decatur GA 30030.

Where should i park?

There are three places to park on Sunday mornings. Visitors and anyone with accessibility needs are encouraged to park in the front lot at the corner of North Decatur Rd and Church Street.

A second parking lot is available behind our building from North Decatur Road. Parking is also available at the hospital on Sundays - pull in to the second entrance on North Decatur Road (the one closest to Emory Decatur Hospital). You'll see a sign directing you left through a gate into the hospital parking lot. After you turn left, make an immediate right, then take another right, and park anywhere. Parking is free - the gate will go up automatically as you approach it when you leave. There is a walkway back over to the church campus, and steps to your left leading up to the sanctuary doors.