Worship is at the heart of everything that happens at North Decatur UMC. You are invited to participate in the weekly worship services in the sanctuary and online at 10:00 am.
Worship at North Decatur UMC follows a fairly traditional pattern in both virtual and in-person services. We hear and sing hymns, we pray for our community and the world, we read scripture together, and on a good day, we hear a pretty good sermon. Our Director of Worship and Arts is incredible; she brings creative leadership to worship, so we shake things up every now and again, and we frequently have special elements (special music, dance, art) to help us worship God.
Each week we celebrate Communion, and we have options available which are free of all major allergens and which have not been touched by human hands.
At North Decatur UMC, you're likely to experience worship in a way that feels traditional in some ways, innovative in others ways, but never, you know, dead. After all, we worship a living God!
(Oh, and in case you were wondering, we never do that weird thing that some churches do where they make new people stand and introduce themselves in front of God and everybody. It's hard enough going somewhere new without having to worry about whether you're going to have to do something so terrifying. So know we're just grateful you're here.)